Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Chuseok Weekend

So if you don't know, Chuseok is one of Korea's major holidays. It's like Korea's Thanksgiving.

Yup holidays are always good. Celebrating some old traditions, getting together with family, eating lots of food, and of course best of all...NO WORK! These awesome-days, I like to call them, work like this: wherever October 3rd falls on the calendar, you get the day before and the day after off. And rumor has it that if you're lucky enough that October 3rd happens to fall on a Wednesday, some schools go as far as giving you the whole week off! MUHAHAHAHA AND GUESS WHEN OCTOBER 3rd FELL ON THIS YEAR! YUP, THAT'S RIGHT...on a frickin crappy stupid Friday...So actually, I got jipped one off day. I was so mad that I wanted to punch my desk calendar square in the face, so I did.

After punching my calendar in what I assumed was the face, my mind was clear of rage and so I started planning. It turned out I didn't need to plan much because my dad's side of the family planned it all out for me...without any of my input. But yes, this is my Chuseok weekend, the weekend I obtained the magnificent and glorious FOB glasses haha. So we start off with a picture of Seoul East Bus Terminal...

My oldest uncle (my dad's oldest brother) and my cousin (his son) came to pick me up. Fun fact, my dad is the youngest male of 6 brothers, and then he has 2 younger sisters. And because he's the youngest of the males, my oldest uncle is nearing 90 I believe, and therefore my cousin is around 45, the younger cousin haha.

I went shopping for Chuseok gifts for my uncles and aunts.

One of my cousins car. Normally I'm not that in to cars. Actually I'm not into cars at all, but I knew my cousin having this Infinity GX5400ㅠ2 in Korea meant that he was a baller haha Seriously all I see are KIA, HyunDai, and everyone's favorite Daewoo cars here.

On the left is my oldest uncle and on the right is his oldest son. They said we usually have Chuseok at my uncles house, but he's getting to old so now it's passed onto my oldest cousin.

On the far right is my nephew. He's the oldest of my oldest cousin, so one day Chuseok will be at his house haha.

And so my uncle made me this nifty family tree. He took out this book with the whole Kim line. He starting saying things I couldn't understand, partly because he was mumbling and mainly because his vocabulary was at a level much too high for me. And I thought he made it just so that I can have it, but I was wrong. Every time one of my relatives came he called me over, told me to take out the paper, and he'd point out which one they were. It was nice of him...I guess haha. Besides my oldest uncle's immediate family, my relatives didn't feel like family. I had some nephews that were older than me too. And it wouldn't have been too bad if my uncle didn't insist that they call their newly acquainted younger relative, uncle.

And this is me on my way to Incheon where my 작은고모 lives. The family I'm most close with.
We went to one of my uncles grave to pay respect. This uncle took care of my dad a lot back in the old days, so they were happy I was visiting his grave in place of my dad.

One of my 큰엄마s.

That's my 고모부. He and my dad were best friends, running the streets of a small shigol town, causing a ruckus haha. I guess it's kind of cool how he married my dad's sister. They kind of look a like too haha.

My cousin and 잔은고모.


And lastly, these are some of the gifts I got for Chuseok. Haha actually all the gifts I got for Chuseok.

I got these cookies from the principal from Chilsung. They weren't half crappy.

The box of 김 on the right I got from one of my teachers at MokDo. The box to the left I got from the principal of MokDo. It's socks...
Well until next time!

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