Korea vs. Greece (Daegu)
Sam hyung was visiting that weekend so we got together with Kyungho hyung and watched the first game in Daegu. I didn't bring my camera so not a lot of pictures. Just these two with me and my WAR PAINT on!!!!
It was such a fun game. Obviously because Korea won. The excitement level was off the charts. Everyone in the sports bar were cheering, chanting, screaming, jumping, dancing, and the whole nine yards. My first World Cup game in Korea was awesome and hanging out with familiar faces made it even better. All in all, one of the best weekends so far in Korea.
Korea vs. Argentina (Cheongju)
I watched the second game at Cheongju Sports Stadium with a few friends and thousands of other rowdy and hopeful fans.
This is the front of the stadium.
Inside the stadium. That section I think had chant coordinators and really hardcore fans.
That was the screen we watched the game on.
Margo with the thumbs up! This was taken before the game, thence not too many people behind us.
Charlotte and myself eating. And if you look at the right side, you see a mat on the floor. Those people set up a picnic. I wish we brought a mat too; looked so comfy.
Start of the game.
All the fans and their devil horns.
Started fire works.
Group picture at halftime. The second game was fun too, but not as much only because they lost, badly. But it was a great experience watching the game with all those people and seeing how excited everyone was when they scored...that one time. haha all in all, it was a great experience with some good people! =D
The beautiful Dae Han Min Gook chant!
Hope everyone is enjoying and cheering on Korea in the World Cup!!!